Mental Health Services Via Buy Now Pay Later Platforms
Community Affairs Legislation Committee - Budget Estimates
Senator Hollie Hughes has spoken during the Community Affairs Senate Budget Estimates hearing about the dire consequences of the government's cost of living crisis which is seeing Australians…

Govt makes Worst Investment in Mental Health Since 2018
Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs - Senate Estimates
Senator Hughes has spoken with the Department of Health & Aged Care, and Senator Katy Gallagher about the huge failures of the government to address the worsening mental…

Wind and solar farms take away agricultural land
Environment and Communications Legislation Committee - Committee Inquiry
Senator Hollie Hughes has spoken during a Climate Change Senate inquiry to call out the failure of government in considering the immediate impacts of the renewable infrastructure…

Is Management running the ABC or the Activists?
Environment and Communications Legislation Committee - Additional Senate Estimates
Senator Hollie Hughes has spoken with ABC Director David Anderson, calling the broadcaster out for its deep biases inherent within its culture. The ABC maintains…

ABC content being spread to ‘malleable youth’
Environment and Communications Legislation Committee - Additional Senate Estimates
Senator Hollie Hughes has grilled ABC Director David Anderson about its troubling presence on TikTok disseminating content to minors without clear and unique…

Slave Labour ‘Bad’, Solar Panels ‘Good’?
Department of Climate Change, Environment, Energy and Water - Estimates

Department Website Storing Labor’s Powering Australia Plan

If the Bureaucrats Don’t Get it, How Can Anyone Else?
Environment and Communications Legislation Committee - Senate Estimates
Senator Hollie Hughes has spoken with several departments during various Senate Estimates sessions but was unable to get a clear answer on who was responsible for which…

‘Let the Market Decide’ on Nuclear
Environment and Communications Legislation Committee - Budget Estimates
Senator Hollie Hughes has grilled agencies and the government during Budget Estimates on the refusal to allow the market to be the ones to determine whether there is a…

‘Same Job, Same Pay’ Policy’s Disability Impacts
National Disability Insurance Scheme Inquiry
Senator Hollie Hughes has grilled bureaucrats during an inquiry into the NDIA over the Albanese government's "socialism-by-stealth" policy known as "Same Job, Same Pay". The policy will see people…